MANHAJ TAFSIR SUFYAN AL-THAWRY (Dari Madzhab, Muqorin sampai Tartib Ayat)


  • Muh. Makhrus Ali Ridho Universitas Islam Lamongan



Methodology, tafsir, sufyan al-Thawry


The author of the book tafsir sufyan al-Thawry is AbÅ« `AbdullÄh SufyÄn ibn Sa`Ä«d ibnu MasrÅ«q al-Thawry al-KÅ«fÄ« and also called Abu‘ Abd Allah al-Thawry. The interpretation methodology tafsir sufyan al-Thawry in terms of sources of interpretation, interpretation of Sufyan al-Thawry is included in the category of bi al-ma'thur / bi al-manqul / bi al-riwayah, the source of interpretation is taken from the history of the companions of the Prophet. While in terms of the explanation, the method of interpretation Sufyan al-Thawry falls into the category of muqarin method. While in terms of the extent of the explanation, the interpretation of Sufyan al-Thawry belongs to the interpretation which uses the ijmali interpretation method. While in terms of the objectives and order of the interpreted verse, the interpretation of Sufyan al-Thawry falls into the category of interpretation using the tahlili method, because Imam Sufyan al-Thawry interprets the verse in accordance with the order of the Ottoman Manuscripts beginning with al-Fatihah until the letter an-Nass. Regarding al-ittijah / al-naz'ah or the tendency of Sufyan al-Thawry interpretation written by Imam Sufyan al-Thawry, the writer classifies this interpretation in the category of interpretation which has al-ittijah lughawi / adaby and fiqh.


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Author Biography

Muh. Makhrus Ali Ridho, Universitas Islam Lamongan




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How to Cite

Ridho, M. M. A. (2019). MANHAJ TAFSIR SUFYAN AL-THAWRY (Dari Madzhab, Muqorin sampai Tartib Ayat). Akademika, 13(02).