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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • File pengiriman dalam format file dokumen (doc, docx. rtf, atau odt) , mengikuti pedoman penulis dan template artikel . Pastikan Anda menggunakan Mendeley untuk membantu dalam referensi. Panduan untuk menggunakan Mendeley sebagai manajer referensi disediakan.
    Kesalahan dalam mengikuti pedoman dapat berakibat penolakan dari naskah Anda.
  • Harap pastikan bahwa penulis memahami dan mengikuti persyaratan ini sebelum melanjutkan dengan langkah selanjutnya dalam pengiriman artikel.
    Kiriman belum pernah dipublikasikan , atau belum ada sebelum jurnal lain untuk dipertimbangkan (atau penjelasan telah diberikan dalam Komentar untuk Editor). Artikel yang diterbitkan dalam konferensi perlu diubah sebelum diserahkan dengan setidaknya 35% perbedaan dengan makalah aslinya, dan lulus pemeriksaan kesamaan kami.
    Penulis terikat dengan Kebijakan Plagiarisme kami, oleh karena itu pertimbangan yang cermat harus dilakukan sebelum mengirimkan artikel. Dalam keadaan apa pun yang JURNAL temukan artikel telah atau diterbitkan di tempat lain yang identik dengan yang diterbitkan di JURNAL , kami akan menarik kembali artikel mengikuti pedoman COPE tentang mencabut artikel dan memberi tahu penulis.
  • Penulis tidak disarankan menarik naskah yang dikirim setelah itu dalam proses publikasi (tinjau, salin, tata letak, dll). Selama ini, JURNAL telah menghabiskan sumber daya berharga selain waktu yang dihabiskan dalam proses.
  • Karena JURNAL adalah jurnal yang ditinjau oleh rekan sejawat , instruksi dalam Memastikan artikel Anonymous peer review perlu diikuti.
  • Masukkan nomor Whatsapp Anda di bidang komentar untuk memudahkan editor menghubungi Anda jika email Anda memiliki masalah

Author Guidelines

The Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

  1. Page Setup, the paper must be written using A4 format, Right-Left Margin: 3 cm, Top-Down: 4 cm, Times New Roman 12pt (for Arabic spelling Traditional Arabic 16pt). The paper is maximum 12-15 pages (including references).
  2. Article Sections, each section (Introduction, Methods, Research Results, Conclusion) must be typed accordingly A, B, C, D, bold, capital for each word, Times New Roman 12 pt.
  3. Language, the paper can be written using Indonesian or English. The abstract must be in both Indonesian and English.
  4. Tables, no vertical line is used, and each term should begin with a capital letter. Table numbering must use Arabic numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3). Table title must be Sentence case and centered on the table. Additional information about the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table.  All tables should be further explained in the text.
  5. Figures, figure must be visible and have good resolution. Figure numbering must use Arabic numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3). Figure title must be Sentence case and centered under the figure. The left vertical and bottom horizontal lines are used.  All figures should be numbered in a consecutive order. Legends should be placed outside the figure.
  6. Plagiarism check, all papers submitted will be checked its plagiarism rate (maximum 20%), using a plagiarism checker tool. Accordingly, the mechanism will be adjusted by the managerial team of the OJS.

The Guidelines for Writing the Manuscript Content

  1. Articles which will be submitted in the AT-THULLAB: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah must be research-based, preliminary review results, or original thoughts in the field of elementary education, which have never been published before.
  2. Title, Title of the article about the 15 words, give an overview of research that has been done (short, straightforward, and informative), Times New Roman 12, spacing 1, spacing after 6 pt.
  3. The author's name, complete without a title written and typed below the article title. If the author of more than one person, then added the next row, followed by the number that indicates the authors’ sequence.
  4. Originally institutions /agencies, written in the name of the institution where working (Study Program, Faculty, University). For example: Department of Islamic Elementary Education, Faculty of Islamic religious, Universitas Islam Lamongan, Indonesia.
  5. Email address, write the email address is still active and is written under the origin of institutions / agencies.
  6. Abstract, written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Abstract contains a brief description of the problem (optional) and research objectives, methods used, and the results of research. Abstract writing pressure primarily on the research results. Typing abstract done with a single space with a narrower margin of right and left margins of the main text with approximately 200 words.
  7. Keywords, 3-5 words.
  8. Systematics of writing the article the results of research are: introduction; research method; results and discussion; conclusions; bibliography.
  9. Introduction consists of the urgency of research, supporting facts from previous studies, statement of gap, research novelty, and research objectives; written without sub-headings.
  10. Research methods consists of research design, population, and sample, data source, data collection technique, data analysis technique. It is written in paragraph form.
  11. Results and discussion presented are important data obtained from the results of data collection in the field (test results, questionnaires, interviews, documents, etc.). The results of the research can be supplemented with tables, images, or graphs to clarify the results of the research. Avoid presenting similar data in separate tables. All tables, images, and graphs must be centered and numbered sequentially. For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of sub-topics that are directly related to the focus of research and categories. The discussion in the article aims to: (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpreting findings; (4) linking research findings with established knowledge structures; and (5) raising new theories or modifying existing theories. In this section of the discussion must contain the benefits of the results of the study, not the repetition. The analysis must answer the stated gaps.
  12. Conclusions presented briefly, narrative, and conceptual that describes the research findings and their effects. Avoid using numbering and symbols (bullet and numbering).

The Guidelines for Citation and References

  1. All data or quotes in the article taken from the other sources should be acknowledged in the text and in the reference section.
  2. Using referencing application management such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or Ms. Word Referencing Tool is highly recommended to do citations and manage bibliography.
  3. All citations and bibliography must adhere to the APA format (American Psychological Association).
  4. All references used must be taken from the main source (national and international reputable scientific journals indexed by SCOPUS, Web of Science, and SINTA) and at least 80% of the references amount used.
  5. The number of references is at least 15 references.
  6. The references must be from the sources, published in the last 10 years.
  7. Wikipedia, personal blog, and non-scientific website are not allowed to be used as references.

Privacy Statement

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