
  • Anggreni Anggreni STAI Panca Budi Perdagangan, Sumatera Utara



Character education is a system of instilling character values in students which includes components of awareness, understanding, concern and high commitment to implement these values. The world of education recognizes a curriculum that is able to produce educational output in accordance with educational goals. The curriculum continues to experience development from various sides, including the development of a character education-based curriculum.So the authors feel the need to make writing that includes how to develop the values of cultural education, strategies and procedures for developing a curriculum based on character MI, assessing success and how to redevelop a curriculum based on character education.On this basis, our education must be managed properly and correctly in order to produce graduates of higher quality and ready to face the future "world" which is full of problems and challenges and can produce graduates who have noble character, namely: having intelligence as well as intelligence, having high creativity as well as polite and courteous in communicating. In other words, education must be able to carry out the character building mission (character building) so that students and their graduates can participate in filling development properly and successfully without leaving the values of noble character.


Keywords: Develop, curriculum, character education


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How to Cite

Anggreni, A. (2020). PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM BERBASIS PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER. At-Thullab : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 4(1), 38–52.